First U.S. soldier tests positive for coronavirus

A U.S. soldier stationed in South Korea is the first American service member to test positive for the deadly coronavirus

Published: February 26, 2020 7:55am

Updated: February 26, 2020 8:12am

A U.S. soldier stationed in South Korea has become the first American military member to tested positive for the coronavirus, according to United States Forces Korea.

The soldier has been identified as a 23-year-old male, stationed at Camp Carroll, in the southeast corner of the Korea peninsula. 

He is self quarantine at his off-base residence. USFK health professionals along with the Korea Centers for Disease Control are trying to determine whether others might have been exposed to the deadly virus, officials said late Tuesday.

The soldier on Monday also visited Camp Walker, in Daegu.

Officials also said the risk level for contracting the virus remains “high” for USFK members stationed on the peninsula “as a prudent measure to protect the force.”

There are 80, 2339 reported cases worldwide of the virus, officially known as COVID-19, according to the latest report from the World Health Organization. 

The group also reports a total of 2,700 deaths related to the virus. The Republic of Korea has 977 cases and 10 virus-related deaths, the WHO also reports. 

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