Ambassador John Bolton on Ukraine: 'We did not demonstrate enough strength, and we're paying for it.'

Then-U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton in September 2018

Ambassador John Bolton, former Ambassador to the United Nations and United States National Security Advisor, discusses Putin’s land and air invasion of Ukraine, commenting that the Russian President is “fulfilling a strategy that he began, really back in 2005, when he said the breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The Ambassador goes on to say that Biden’s imposing of sanctions in the recent weeks, as means to deter Putin, “has failed”, commenting that “the objective of the policy was to prevent a military attack on Ukraine, and that’s what we are seeing today.” The Ambassador says that he is “very worried” by the idea that United States is now “so consumed now with Ukraine”, that China “might take advantage of the timing” on Taiwan, commenting that “nobody’s watching more closely than China”. 

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