Biden fueling humanitarian crisis, ‘taxpayer subsidized’ human trafficking industry says former Trump adviser

Migrant caravan, Chiapas State, Mexico, Oct. 28, 2021

John Zadrozny, former Senior Adviser for Policy to President Trump on immigration, discusses the on-going crisis on the  southern border and refutes some of the misconceptions that the Biden Administration is refusing to acknowledge or is actively misrepresenting. The attorney comments that, the Administration likes to paint the illegal migrants as women with children, but in reality it’s the “profile of standing army”, that the main demographic of the border crossers are fifteen to thirty-five-year-old males. Zadrozny also comments that the Biden Administration by turning a blind eye to the border, is not only fueling a “humanitarian crisis”, but is encouraging cartels to carry out a “taxpayer-subsidized final leg of the human trafficking industry”.

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