Texas GOP Gov. candidate Allen West says border crisis 'an invasion,' states need to use constitutional authority to protect themselves

Former Florida Rep. Allen West.

Texas Republican Gubernatorial candidate, Allen West, discusses his run for office and the “invasion” that is happening on the southern border, commenting that he is “very disturbed that Texas has not taken the lead on this”, because of its “largest share of the 1254 miles border”.  The retired Army lieutenant colonel says that the the situation is “beyond filing lawsuits”, “writing letters”, “and pointing fingers at the Biden administration”, that it is time for states to protect themselves from invasion by using their Constitutionally “enumerated power to do so” by “Article one, Section 10, Clause number three”, which gives States “the ability to do what is necessary if actually invaded, when there's imminent danger without any admit of delay”, saying that “the federal government is supposed to protect every state from invasion and their not doing it”. West, also comments on the recent Virginia election, saying that he believes it is the “canary in the coal mine” of a political awakening happening across the United States, that citizens are looking for leaders to protect their “medical freedom, their educational freedom, and the right for parents to be able to decide what's best for their children.”

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