Rep. Kat Cammack: Democrats know food shortage is imminent, acting ‘willfully ignorant’

Due to the drastic reduction of the food service industry due to the coronavirus, many fields like this are being plowed under because of the expense of harvesting and the lack of profit.

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) raises the alarm on the damaging effects and long-term ramifications of the Biden Administrations energy policies initiatives which have sent energy costs skyrocketing and food shortages and diminished supply on the horizon. The Congresswoman comments that Democrats are acting “willfully ignorant” towards the imminent food crisis, created by the Biden Administration’s energy initiatives which has cause, not only energy costs go up, but has also resulted in fertilizer and diesel costs to skyrocket, leaving many farmers and producers unable to keep up. She says that combine this with Biden throwing “more red tape on them, the threat of new tax taxes, regulations on producers and then basically put a bow on it with a pretty scarce labor market, it’s looking pretty grim.” Cammack also comments that with Ukraine, a major food producer for the world, being under attack and ‘not planting’ will only further compound the problem next year, where there will be massive “food shortages and supply” issues throughout the world. Saying, the last time this happened, “we saw the Arab Spring take place because of a food shortage situation in the Ukraine”, and we now have the Muslim Brotherhood as a result.” Commenting, “this has incredible ramifications and consequences around the globe, not just here at home.” 

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