Rep. Tenney: Iranian women protesting ‘incredible moment in world history,’ Biden admin doesn’t seem to care

Protest in California in memory of Mahsa Amini

Rep. Claudia Tenney discusses the “freedom loving protests” happening currently across Iran that was sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman killed by religious police for not covering her hair properly. The New York Congresswoman comments, “Where are the liberal women out there who really care about women's rights.” Tenney saying, Iranian women are rising up to fight for their freedom and for democracy, and the “Biden Administration doesn’t seem to care.” Saying, “and yet the people on the streets are risking their lives, women are on the streets in Tehran and around Iran, standing up to this brutal regime, knowing that they will probably be killed because of their standing for freedom, which is why this is such an incredible moment in history.” She notes, that this is not the first time, saying “we’re here again, we were here once under the Obama administration, we did nothing to defend the attempts at these people to find some kind of democracy, and to take down this regime on their own, and to encourage these people to know that they have some kind of support, at least, you know, offensively from the United States.” Tenney also slams the Biden Administration for granting a visa to Ebrahim Raisi, also known as the butcher of Iran, last week and allowing for him to have secret service protection on American’s tax dollars, “ to help this guy walk around, be safe in the United Nations, so he could get up and scream Death to America, and condemn our free democracy here in this country, all under the Biden administration's watch, and they did nothing to stop this.”

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