Steve Bannon: Trump’s White House is too passive now

Steve Bannon

Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser says the president needs to have action, action, action.


Full transcript:

John Solomon  0:05  

Alright folks, welcome America. We're have a special edition of the John Solomon Reports podcast today. That's right. We're doing two in one day. And there's only one man that could make us do that. The one the only Steve Bannon joins us, Steve, welcome to the show.

Steve Bannon  0:19  

Hey, thanks for having me. I'm a big fan. You know, we'd love having you on our show. And we love your podcast. So I'm really honored to be doing this special, special edition of the podcast,

John Solomon  0:27  

You deserve a special one. And that's great. And congratulations on the success of War Room, too. It's remarkable to see it in so many places on America's Voice on all the different podcast platforms. I hardly go about town one day without hearing somebody who's heard something provocative and great on there. So congratulations. 

Steve Bannon  0:44  

Thanks. Appreciate it. 

John Solomon  0:45  

That's really great. Alright, so I want to start because it wasn't that long ago, let's say 2015. When you and the President and other people were talking about China and the threat posed to the American public, where everyone was calling those who were concerned about China's xenophobes My gosh, you're racist, you're terrible. Now Joe Biden has gotten on... not on the China gravy train, he and his son were on that back four or five years ago. Now he's on the America first train talking about an America first strategy just like the one you and the President executed four years ago. I wonder what you think about that?

Steve Bannon  1:17  

Well, I'm concerned about it. You know, what I've been saying for a long time, John, it with the President, I think it's so much about a campaign as it is about what you're doing in the Oval Office and, what you're doing as executive in this horrible pandemic. I keep saying action, action action. And I know the team around him has been working on a buy American executive order for quite a while, right. It really encapsulates a lot with the president talking particularly about medical and medical supply chains back. You know, Jared Bernstein, at the Economic Policy Institute is a smart economic nationalist, he's one of Biden's advisor. And today, let's be brutally frank. They stole a march on the White House. They came out with a buy American program. I think a lot of it's superficial. It's ironic that Biden as you mentioned, the biggest globalist we've had in the US Senate, someone who's really exacerbated the rise of China is now going hardcore, you know, hardcore economic nationalists. And the reason is that they're smart. They know that to win in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin, you have to be an economic nationalist, you have to want to bring manufacturing jobs back. Biden's never done it, but trust me, he's gonna hu  a few bars between now and election day. And I think this is a shot across the bow of the White House. I think it's a shot across the bow the Trump campaign. People have got to turn to and get on top of this and get back to what won in 16, at least these economic issues, and I think this is a wake up call.

John Solomon  2:39  

Yeah, there's no doubt and there's no accident that Joe Biden's in Scranton, Pennsylvania today to have this sort of a conversation. It's right out of the President... in your playbook from from four years ago.

Steve Bannon  2:50  

Oh my god. I just mentioned that. You know, Biden is actually the Senator from Delaware. He's a senator from Wilmington, Delaware, which as you know, is the post office because you've been to so many companies. It's a mail drop in a friendly federal court for global corporations. But he never mentioned that he's Joe from Scranton. No, they've done the demographic analysis. They know where they have to run strong. Yeah. And that's why he's acting like middle class. Jeremy, this is a guy that shipped more jobs overseas than anybody. But, you know, particularly for low information voters. You've got to get that message out of what President Trump's actually done and actually accomplished and there's a lot, but not getting this executive order on buy America out and have it done quickly, early in this pandemic and letting Big Pharma and Wall Street hold it up. It's a problem. And I think that campaigns in the White House has got to get it sorted ASAP.

John Solomon  3:39  

Yeah, there's no doubt it seems like his campaign... I had the pleasure of meeting with then candidate Trump in August 2016, probably at a moment when he was at his lowest, it was right after the Blue Star Families and the Mexican judge comments and we were a few days away from Paul Manafort being ousted in new coming in. And I feels like his campaign is sort of In that role right now that this is the August 2016, of the 2020 race, if you're in his ear, what would you have him do tomorrow to get mojo and selling his record again, like like he did early on?

Steve Bannon  4:11  

I think right now, look, we're in one of the worst, if not the worst crisis in modern American history of pandemic and economic crisis on top of a financial crisis. You have a cultural crisis and a geopolitical confrontation. I would say something very simple action, action action. On top of jobs task force and focus jobs, you know, we just had the greatest run, I think, percentage wise in the in the stock exchange in the stock market, the last quarter that ended June 30. And yet President Trump dropped, I think, eight to 10 points, you're not going to win on the stock market, you don't win on jobs. So if you get a task for some jobs, I think engage more in the pandemic, particularly engage more in the opening of these schools, you know, do things rapidly, smartly and safely show that you're in charge. And on a foreign policy, I think you've got to confront China and you have to confront China in Hong Kong. They're decoupling from us. Technologically, I think we have to confront them. We have to stand tall. I think that President Trump does a handful of hard actions and do things like buy Americas are bringing manufacturing jobs back, he's going to be fine. But his campaign to me really is what's happening in the White House. That's a people, you know, people can say, oh, it could be a 32nd spot or new ball cap or slogan or rally. Rallies worked in 16. And obviously, rallies are important. But to me factories, opening with high value added manufacturing jobs in Michigan is what's going to win reelection for Donald J. Trump. And that's what I would tell people and I say it every day I say it on the show. I said everybody know, just action, action, action. You're the protagonists of this drama, you drive the action, just action, action, action.

John Solomon  5:48  

And literally, he can take credit for Joe Biden coming over to this side of the argument. I mean, Joe Biden was on the complete opposite side of his argument two, three years ago, but you're right...

Steve Bannon  5:58  

John, it shows you like Hillary Clinton's loss... economic globalists cannot win in America today, you have to be an economic national. So the biggest globalist we've had for 4 years, Joe Biden really made his career in Wilmington, Delaware doing that now has to have this foe, economic nationalism. The other thing, John is, you know, we've shifted the center of gravity of the conversation around China, to having our elites work with China and manage the decline of America to now its full confrontation with China. So even someone like Joe Biden, who has a horrible record in China is going to have to act he's going to have to pretend these tough in order to be elected, I think it says a lot about the American people that people now realize that citizens come first and the country comes first.

John Solomon  6:44  

Yeah. And that's a big evolution from where, at least where the elite is we're talking in 2015. It's remarkable to see the transformation and you were one of the first people who saw that as the opportunity... Does the President have the right people around him right now, and I think he there's two missions he has to do. He has to to knock Joe Biden down a few pegs. Biden's negatives are not that high. And then he's got to bring his own positives up by going back to his record and doing things that are consistent with that record making jobs. Is he surrounded by the right people right now? 

Steve Bannon  7:13  

Listen, I don't think it's about the team. I think he's got some very good people. He's got some very good people in the White House. He's got some very good people in the campaign. You can always like any great baseball or football team, you can always add some more people. I just don't think it's a personnel problem. And I don't think it's a campaign issue. Like I said, I believe this is going to be at the end of the day, we're in a pandemic, we have this economic crisis, we have what 15 or 20 million people unemployed, another 1.3 million unemployment benefits applied for today. We got this really complicated negotiation on this fourth package. We've blown the Federal Reserve's balance sheet up by $6 trillion. Right? how you manage that... in the complexity of a relationship with China where they're trying to decouple and also become a hegemonic power on the Eurasian landmass. These are enormously complicated problems. You're looking for a leader to me, it's the role that Trump was born to play. I mean, this is where you'd become a known as a world leader like a Lincoln like an FDR, like a Reagan, I would just say take more ownership of these decisions step into that role. I'd like to see the White House less passive. And I like to see it more action oriented. 

Steve Bannon  8:21  

For instance, let's take the police issue. I think the President... the House and the Senate can come together, I would recommend the President set up a police commission, a presidential commission, named after Mr. Floyd and make it have some teeth in it and have it get a report back to him by Labor Day or October, that he will put into practice on the first day of after his reelection in January after he takes after he's inaugurated. Again, I think these are the type of things he can show leadership. You know, Donald Trump has got a terrific record, I think among the black community of delivering economic benefit to the black community. And I think he ought to start to drive that message in the Hispanic community, but to me, it's all about stepping into the decision, owning the decision. So people say, well, this guy should be there, that guy should be there. I don't really think it's about that. And I don't think it's also about the campaign messaging. To me the action is the message. Let's get the actions.. Biden's you know, Biden's not a guy that I think ever exert a lot of leadership. And if President Trump shows leadership, the American people say, hey, look, this is such an uncertain time. This is such a tough time. Maybe I don't love the house style of Donald Trump every day of the week. But I see what he's trying to take us, I see where he's trying to be a stabilizing figure in this kind of maelstrom of anarchy that the Black Lives Matter.. You know, not all the Black Lives Matter people but the ones that are the cultural Marxists with the antifa guys, right are trying to drive this. I think Trump can come as the center of stability, but that's gonna take action.

John Solomon  9:48  

Yep. I was talking to someone close to him the other day who said that this election was tailor made to be played on his home field of the economy and leadership and decisiveness and he's been playing on the visitors field and constant playing defense on issues that the Democrats dominate for the day. How does he get...

Steve Bannon  10:07  

That's pretty perceptive. That's a very good analogy.

John Solomon  10:11  

Yeah, it really struck me. And so the question is because you managed to have a winning field every day in the final two months of the 2016 campaign, and quite frankly, for a very part of... the big first year of the White House, even with the Russia scandal, and you guys were getting things done and moving the agenda. What's the... if you had one piece of advice, be action, action, action, but how does the President get into that mode? You know him so well.

Steve Bannon  10:34  

I think it was it go to your default position. Yeah. Trump's default position is always the right position, I think. I think he understands he's an American patriot. He understands the country. He's an economic nationalism. He's a deep patriot. He loves this country. He remembers in America, even with its flaws back in its glory days right after World War Two. He wants to restore that was an economic powerhouse that had high value added manufacturing jobs. You can build families around, you know, Donald Trump's instincts. You know, you can't by his instincts. He understands people, he understands mass communications. I think sometimes he gets diverted by what I call marginality. You mentioned back in August 16 that's one of the reasons I stepped in there is that you know, he was focused too much on the con family, he was focused too much on the Hispanic... the Mexican lawyer, these were side issues that went to the heart of it. You get back we ran on populism, economic nationalism, confront China, build a wall, a handful of issues that people can visually connect with, right, he's still got that. To me it has an even more because I think what he's done actually with letting the governor's do the pandemic is a smart thing. I think you got to get more engaged in that you just can't kind of wish this thing away. Everything is within your grasp. 

Steve Bannon  11:52  

I think you can change all those away games, John, to home games, I think we can change them to home games and... Biden's not really been a leader buying during the Obama administration was a disaster Obama had to do you know, one major thing which is a pivot to Asia. And John, as your reporting shown so, so well, and I'm sure you're gonna have a lot more in the future. Joe Biden was horrific in the relationship with China. That Trump really had to turn around was driven by Biden... with Xi about the South China Sea.  I think it's this is made for Donald Trump. And Biden's not a leader. Biden is not a heavyweight executive. Biden's not a guy that handles crisis. Well, this is all made for Donald Trump, I would shift the away games to home games. And I think once you make them home games and start playing on your turf, and start taking action and keep the messaging simple and powerful, backed up by action, I think that's to me, that's the winning formula is pretty straight forward, I don't think this is astrophysics.

John Solomon  12:49  

Yeah, no, I think you're right. It's pretty simple. And it's just a matter of getting him back on the horse and doing that. Before we leave the subject of elections, I'm always fascinated by congressional elections. In the 2018 strategy, the 2020 strategy are very different. What is your prognosis for a Republican majority in the Senate? What can the House Republicans do? And does it really rely predominantly on the President's coattails?

Steve Bannon  13:14  

Well, listen, the first thing I did when I took over the campaign and on August 13, and 14th was call Reince Priebus. I only met Reince a couple of times, I called Reince and heading send up Sean Spicer and Katie Walsh to the campaign basically ... in there to join Kellyanne and ... and Bill ... and others, but we had to win in the coalition. We may disagree about a lot. Look, there's a lot of, you know, Austrian economic guys. Oh, the .... don't love my economic nationalism. But we agree on more than we disagree with. We have to win as a coalition. The Cook report's out this morning and I would tell every Republican to read it because it's pretty brutal. They say this is not going to be... this is not lining up as a blue wave. Like in 18. This looks like it could be a blue tsunami. And I think people with 120 days ago, folks got to understand we got to pull together, we got to pull together as a group. We got to start fighting. We got to start fighting on a unified front. If it's all this bickering and backstabbing and score settling and all that now, we're going to get wiped out and we deserve to get wiped out. I think right now you could pull the Senate together, you could pull the House together, I think you could hold the Senate. I think you're not gonna... obviously not going to turn theHhouse around, but you pick up some seats, and you can save the Presidency. And I think all three of those are very doable if people start working together. But that has to be a unified front, unified messaging, people having each other's back and not just that, getting out on the grassroots and start knocking on doors. I went around an 18 and said, hey, we're going to lose this House race. And we do they're going to impeach him and what they're doing for the tea party revolt in 2010, and then the big upset and Obama and 14 in the in the midterm elections. Those were grassroots going door to door. That's what the left did in 18. And right now, this is going to get down to ground game in places like Georgia, Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, people have got to get together and I think we got to put the fear of God in Republicans that if we don't pull together, don't think some Fairy Godmother is gonna come in here and push vertical magic does it doesn't happen in politics. Look at the Cook report is a pretty even handed guy is saying a blue tsunami.

John Solomon  15:16  

Yep. Yeah, no, it's a wake up call moment and there's no doubt about it. And I want to bring up one idea that I know a lot of conservatives are ... to talk about but Maryland voted Listen, the Democrats are going to do it right. So shouldn't the Republicans just get on board and get as many people voting any way that they can get them to voting? It seems as though holding out on the principle is like disarming because the Democrats are digging through the mail and votes now there's not a doubt about it. \ How would you address the get out the vote, mail in voting opportunities for the next 120 days?

Steve Bannon  15:49  

We have to get all over it. I mean, we can have the argument about principle which I think we have to have. I am not a fan. You know, I voted absentee. I'm not a fan of general mail-in voting right? Electronic voting right that which they want to go to same day registration. However, those debates I think have to happen unless they can legally hang some of these things up. Right now I believe people have to get... not just people registered, they have to get them understanding what these mail-in votes are going to be. It's going to happen. Look at Florida, I think we're out... I believe that number I saw is that 300,000 difference in mail-in voting applications, people have to understand, you may not like it, we may not agree with it, but we're going to have to fight that on another day. I agree with you. I think it's a stark reality of how this pandemic year is going to play out. We have to come to grips with the reality and unless we can stop it in the courts, somehow, people have got to... and all the campaigns to me should be full on this or I'm saying grassroots things. We have to start getting people registered, and we particularly have to get them registered to mail and voting. This is the other thing I keep telling people about the campaign, people say oh, we can wait until the convention. And I said it's we start voting in September 6 and some of these mail-ins.

John Solomon  16:59  

You're right.

Steve Bannon  16:59 election day of November 3, Election Day is not election day. That's the last day of the election. Right now I believe 50% of the vote could already be done by November 3. That's why messaging against Biden door to door campaigning, what President Trump's doing these actions. We don't have time to wait to the fall. It's over by Labor Day. Okay. It's over by Labor Day, I think because they're starting to vote. You got to do this in July and August. So no, I agree with you, John. It's not something I love. But you got to play with the cards you're dealt. I think a card readout is mail-in ballot and we just got to get on with it.

John Solomon  17:35  

Yeah, I think that's right. And I'm beginning to sense that the Republicans are starting to pick up on that I see Karl Rove doing some things. I've been hearing some rumblings of Governor Barber and other people some of the establishment figures, Newt Gingrich there's so many great minds that can come to the table at one moment now and join as a red coalition and get this thing done, and it seems like the last couple of weeks are set first motion of people starting to step up and realize It's time to get in the game no matter what you think,

Steve Bannon  18:03  

well look, it's going to be fraught with, you know, fraud and all that it's going to be very imperfect this election could turn out to be a mess because of this. But I think the reality is, we're going to have to deal with it. I don't see the Democrats backing off, I think they'll make arguments that could win in the courts. So to me, it's get people registered to do mail-in ballots. If we have to do that. Make sure they're ready to do it. And then we've got to have a flood of people checking everything and making sure they're not dumping ballots, you know, double counting, harvesting all that. So this thing's gonna be a nightmare. That's when it's going to be a massive volunteer effort I think to monitor

John Solomon  18:34  

Yeah, no, there's no doubt that's another part. You got to have those election monitors and ballot checkers as well. I'm going to switch back to China second, but today, there was a story in the Wall Street Journal. And as soon as I read it, you know, I said, this kind of feels like one of those Russia collusion stories that fell apart in about 20 minutes or even the GRU story that the media foist on us a couple of weeks ago that turned fell apart really quickly, but it's about you and it says that there's this Chinese dissident ... I've heard of, and there's an investigation when I started calling around. The first thing I heard is, nah, nah, nah, you got that all wrong or The Wall Street Journal's got it all wrong. It's the other way around. Steve Bannon is helping the government in detecting what China is doing with dissidents like well, I want to ask you your reaction to that story that kind of smeared you. It was pretty transparent. It was a very weak story that actually fell apart once you knew the facts. But what's going on there? If you can use anything you can say about it?

Steve Bannon  19:28  

Yeah, listen, a couple weeks ago, the same reporter arena, had a story about Kyle Bass, saying that, you know, he's a huge whistleblower and a guy that short stocks he went to the FBI, I think I know, eight years ago, something like that about a company. And she's saying, oh, the FBI is investigating him now. Right. Here's the thing. Kyle Bass and myself are the two Americans that have been out front the most of calling out the Chinese Communist Party of being the real enemy of the people in the United States of America. ... is a billionaire, dissident billionaire that left China has led an effort really to unite, whether it's the Tibetan Buddhist, the Falun Gong, the democracy movement in Tiananmen Square. He's got a whistleblower that continues to get information. I mean, he's kind of a version of you, John, when you go in and do the tough investigative reporting... he has whistleblowers that gives him the information. We are all proud of the fact that we're the vanguard of the anti CCP. And one of the things we've done is make sure the American people realize this is not the Chinese people and it's not China, right? This is not the kung flu and it's not it's not the China flu. The Chinese people are the victims here. 

Steve Bannon  20:28  

They're the ones who have been enslaved in the global financial system in the City of London, Davos and Wall Street. You know, the benefits from that slave labor in the serf ... the workers throughout the rest of world, the way the system's built. We're at the vanguard of calling it out. I understand the Wall Street Journal doesn't like us calling many of the people that not just subscribe but advertise there and we're going to call them out every day. The hedge fund managers and the global corporations. We're not backing off. I've dedicated my life assisting the Chinese in their freedom. And particularly going after the Chinese Communist Party. Also, that's what this election is about. Hey, don't think it's this is not a shot to make sure that President Trump doesn't have enough strong voices against the CCP when you come down to the homestretch. I'm not backing off. I know ... not going to back off. We are actually the people that assist the FBI. When we have defectors coming out. There are a lot of defectors trying to get out of China because of the Wuhan virus. There are a lot of defectors that know in incredible detail about what went on. We are whistleblower, I run the Rule of Law Society. I'm part of the Committee on the danger. We are active in trying to get every dissident out every person who wants freedom that can turn on the Chinese Communist Party. And if dissident groups around there was a lawsuit and had some former FBI guys that were paid on some guy's payroll, former Chinese guy, if they're going to smear us, hey, I don't care about that. As you know over the couple of phone calls and all my ... said hey, this is not ... I am public enemy number one by the CCP by Chinese media. I'm vilified every night on state TV, I'm vilified in the in the tabloid the Global Times, and I take pride in it I know I'm over the target, Kyle Bass is relentless on Hong Kong about breaking the Hong Kong... the peg of the Hong Kong dollar and [?] every day breaks more stories about really what they've done to enslave the Chinese people in the financial corruption and quite frankly, things like a [?] remember John, these huge financial examples of money laundering and influence peddling all broken not by the Wall Street Journal by [?]. And look, we'll stand by record, we're not backing off one inch. We work together, [?] and I work together we're gonna we have more people that are working together every day we're bringing in allies. And so John, you know, because I know you see a rich potential harvest of investigative stories between the elites of the world and the Chinese Communist Party. This is the business model and that's got to be broken up to get the American people their freedom and the Chinese people their freedom.

John Solomon  22:57  

On that note, the President has taken a lot of action In the last few months, I think Michael Pillsbury and Peter Navarro and folks like you and we had some stories in Just the News. And he started to take these really strong actions about matters that were the focus of complacency for years during the entire Obama Biden years. The Chinese companies could participate in the market and not have to comply with the same accounting standards as American companies. And the President just took some action in the last couple of weeks to put an end to that. Our federal and military pensions were about to be invested in China. At the last minute the President put the brakes on that. He sent out a warning yesterday O'Brien and Kudlow said a warning yesterday to the Federal Railroad Retirement group saying your investments in Chinese companies are harming national security. What else can the President do over the next you know, 6 7 8 weeks to make substantial progress in the struggle against Chinese aggression and the American markets everywhere?

Steve Bannon  23:55  

Look, I think Hong Kong is Czechoslovakia in 1938. I think this is our moment. I'll tell you the President... he's done more than any president. He's engaged. He's confronted the Chinese while trying to work with them to see if we can't make a trade deal. Right? They clearly lied to him about that. They lied to us about this, about this virus, they exacerbate it, even if they didn't cause it from a lab, which I think eventually we'll be able to prove that it did come from a lab. But until that time, we know they exacerbated it's spread. They bought up the PPD, their actions in the chain of title of their actions is unforgivable, and they're guilty of all the deaths and all the economic destruction. That being said, he's done a lot today's you know, he's sanctioned some individuals around the Uyghurs. He's done more than any President ever has. But there's a lot more to do if he wanted to take down the Chinese Communist Party John, I think he could do it pretty quickly. I think he could do it by decoupling the capital markets in the United States. If he goes to pegging the Hong Kong dollar and made it impossible to get dollars in Hong Kong. So they feed the machine...

Steve Bannon  24:55  

sanction ..., Bank of China, Hanoi Group, Penang Group, if he did sanction those four plus sanctioned individuals like Wang Shi, other senior, not the guys in Hong Kong but senior members of the of the cadre of the Chinese Communist Party, including President Xi, I think the Chinese Communist Party would buckle because I think that underneath the  CCP are a lot of people in China said, hey, this just can't go on. We need the firewall to come down. We need democracy. We're the only big country in the world that doesn't have this. This has got to happen. And if President Trump took direct action, taking down the firewall, cutting off the dollar in Hong Kong, putting on economic sanctions, which Wall Street would go crazy. A lot of the Senate will go crazy. If he took these bold actions, the Chinese Communist Party would start to buckle and I think the Chinese people would overthrow them, and we would have 50 years of peace and prosperity.

John Solomon  25:47  

That's a that's a pretty, pretty big prescription and it'll be interesting to see what what will come of it. Last question, because I know you're busy and I want to get you back to what you're doing. But every election turns on a question and of course, the most famous one is are you better off four years ago than you are... Are you better off today than you were four years ago... Reagan's 84 morning in America sort of question. What will be the question at the end of the day that people are going to ask, but it's the choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in November?

Steve Bannon  26:15  

I think you've had that question up to January 30 2020. The answer will be obviously President Trump and ... economy, particularly among Hispanic and African American working class people, no doubt. Now I think the question is, we're in a fourth turning, we're in a turbulent time that is going to last a while. This is not going to be solved in 30, 60, 90 days, it's going to take years to get through this. I think the question is going to be who is providing leadership and stable policies, economic policies, national security policies, policies about law and order and safety? Right and who really is trying to, you know, move America forward by protecting her greatness and how she's exceptional, I think if that's the question that people going to, you know, November 3, are going to the mail-in votes and answer. I think Donald Trump wins because of his action. But to me, he's got to make that case, the way for him to make that case now John in the middle of this Maelstrom, is to do it from the Oval Office in the West Wing. He certainly got to be out there at rallies, you got to be around the country selling it, but it's the actions you take as President of the United States in a wartime because this pandemics a war. Right, your wartime President steps up and and continues to act like a wartime President. I think people weigh measure, say, look, Joe Biden, I just don't think it's the right guy for this time. And I think the vote will come down for Donald Trump, but you've got to make that case to actions.

John Solomon  27:36  

Act, act, act. That's three words that are going to be in my head all night tonight. I'm certain of it. Steve Bannon, I can't thank you and I can't thank you enough for taking the time. I'm doing a special broadcast today. This is great for us a lot of news, a lot of thought, and I hope we get you back on a few more times before election day because there's no one smarter in politics than you.

Steve Bannon  27:56  

I appreciate that. That's far too kind, but look, anything I do too help the show. You know, I've loved your... we've worked together for I think eight or 10 years now, and you're a great investigative reporter. So you've got a platform that really I think plays to your strengths. We love having ... I'd love to come back.

John Solomon  28:13  

That sounds great. All right, folks. You heard it right from there, Steve Bannon. With all the fonts that we can take for one day. It was really awesome. Thank you, Steve. Until the next time we talk be safe. John Solomon Reports the podcast from Just the News.

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