Tom Fitton: ‘Biden is compromised’, Intelligence community knew foreign payments were ‘bribes’ to take care of Hunter Biden

John Durham

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, discusses his landmark win for equal protection against a California law that would require businesses to have quotas based on gender, minorities, certain ethnicities, and LGBT status for there board of directors. Fitton comments that the case just shows “how far the left has gone from pretending to be against discrimination to promoting it”. The President also discusses the recent bombshell dropped by John Durham’s in his filing last night, showing Clinton campaign text messages proving that the Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign knew that the Russian collusion allegations were false and were using them as a smear campaign and a “conspiracy” to undermine Donald Trump. Fitton comments that the “Biden’s family relationships within that region of the world”, went into “Putin’s decision-making when it came to invading Ukraine”, because he “recognized that Biden was compromised”. Going on to say that “bribes being solicited” from foreign government, not for business reasons, but only “to take care of” Hunter Biden.

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