Trump Defense Secretary: Biden needs to call Putin’s bluff, send “three army divisions” to back up Europe

Acting SecDef Christopher Miller

Former Acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller, discusses the cat and mouse game currently being played in Europe by Vladimir Putin and what America needs to do to assure our allies that we’re serious to our foreign commitments. Miller comments that Putin’s current affair with Ukraine comes back to Biden’s “ham-handed and horrible”, “method for ending the war in Afghanistan”, saying that it only emboldened Putin and “our opponents” to push the limits “to see what they can get away with”. The Secretary’s advice to Biden’s team to “push [Putin] back”, would be to go on tv and say that the United States is “deploying three army divisions” to Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Miller comments, this alone would “absolutely blow Putin’s mind and would completely desynchronize him”. Saying, the U.S. is on the “defensive” right now, and “defense gets you only so far, then you have to do something that your opponent responds to.” “We’re at that kind of pivotal moment in history, we have to think about maybe reinforcing Europe”.

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