Trump tells Faith and Freedom attendees having been indicted is 'great badge of courage'

The title of the Faith and Freedom Coalition's annual event this year was the "Road to Majority Policy Conference."

Published: June 24, 2023 8:54pm

Updated: June 24, 2023 10:14pm

Former President Donald Trump said during his address at the Faith and Freedom forum Saturday that he's honored being indicted for the people.

"Every time the radical left Democrats, marxists, Communists and fascists indict me, I consider it a great badge of courage," he said. "I'm being indicted for you. And I believe the "you" is more than 200 million people that love our country."

The former president also singled out former GOP presidential candidate and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee for winning a life-time achievement award from event sponsor the Faith and Freedom Coalition.

The title of the group's annual event this year was the "Road to Majority Policy Conference" which it describes as the largest public policy gathering of Christian conservative activists in the country. 

Trump, at the top of his speech, at the Washington Hilton, in Washington, D.C., spoke directly to an enthusiastic base.

I believe that our enemies are waging war on faith and freedom on science and religion on history and tradition on democracy on God Almighty himself," he said to applause. "The radicals are setting fire to our Constitution, abolishing free speech attacking religious beliefs."

Near the close, he also said, "What a great Saturday night. We're here for religion. This is not my campaign. It's our campaign." 

The crowd responded with the chant, "We want Trump."

Despite his lengthy appeal to the faith-based crowd for its support in his bid to win reelection, he also devoted much of his roughly one-hour speech to familiar issues and grievances – including that Democrats and others from the start of his first presidential campaign were out to get him. 

"This is a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time, which has been fully exposed in the Durham Report," he said days after former Justice Department special counsel John Durham testified on Capitol Hill about how his four-year investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax found the FBI began the probe with no predicating evidence.

"They tried to take down a presidency with hoaxes and witch hunts and are still trying," he said. "We won't let them. Now [President] Joe Biden has weaponized law enforcement to interfere in our elections, the greatest abuse of power that I've seen."

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