Majority of Americans support airline, other travelers wearing COVID mask, AP poll

Americans remain divided about requiring individuals on planes, trains, and other forms of group transportation to wear masks.

Published: April 20, 2022 10:07am

Updated: April 20, 2022 11:37am

A majority of Americans continue to support a COVID-19 mask requirement for airline travelers and others traveling by mass transportation modes, according to a new poll

The ruling Monday from a federal judge in Florida put the government's transportation mask mandate on hold, a move that was followed by announcements from many major airlines that they will cease enforcing the mandate. 

The poll, conducted by thee Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, found 56% of Americans favor requiring masks on planes, trains and on other forms of mass transportation. Of those polled, about one-quarter said they oppose a requirement, and 20% said they are neither in favor or oppose such a requirement.

The poll was conducted April 14-18, largely prior to the striking down of the federal mask mandate by U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle. 

In addition to major airlines, the federal Transportation Safety Administration promptly stopped enforcing the mask requirement.

The Justice Department announced it will not appeal the ruling unless the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determines masks on public transportation remain necessary. 

Among Democrats polled, 80% favor a mandate, while just 5% oppose one. Among Republicans, 45% are opposed, 33% are in favor, and 22% say they are neither. 

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