Sen. Mike Braun: More bombshells on COVID and Wuhan lab connection should come soon

"I think we're gonna get to the bottom of it," Braun said. "It's just a question of, will we need a bill to do it?"

Published: May 25, 2021 6:26pm

Updated: May 25, 2021 11:32pm

Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) believes that intelligence on COVID-19 originating from the Wuhan Institute of Virology is forthcoming, and will be revealed by force of legislation if it is not released otherwise.

Braun told the "John Solomon Reports" podcast about the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2021 that he introduced with Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.): "Something was afoot even a week to two weeks ago — we were just a little ahead of the game when we rolled that out — where I think we're going to hear more information.

"When you got somebody like Dr. Fauci that moves goalposts from one end zone to the other and then back again, and wherever it needs to kind of plop down, when you hear the head of the WHO, when you hear the Biden administration now saying that there needs to be an investigation — of course, they're still saying WHO needs to do it itself. That's like the fox in the henhouse metaphor. So something is happening. And that's why, with our bill out there, it's now very pertinent."

Braun is confident the truth will soon emerge. "I think we're gonna get to the bottom of it," he said. "It's just a question of, will we need a bill to do it? I don't even think we're going to need that because I think there's going to be stuff coming forward that might flush it out without having to force it legislatively. If not, we're prepared to roll up the support. Sadly, we probably won't get one Democrat on it, though."

Braun was asked where Congress could get information on COVID and Wuhan.

"How about in our own DHS?" he replied. "How about in our own Director of National Intelligence? That's the essence of declassifying this stuff. And when you've got such a political posture that has dominated the dynamic, we just need that — we need the Freedom of Information Act, in essence, to release all this stuff that's been classified."

He suggested forming a commission to look into the origins of COVID-19.

"And I think you're going to find several points of information that will, you know, make us look at least into doing — I mean, as commission-happy as we are in this government in general, we ought to be doing a commission on the biggest event that's challenged the world, arguably, along with a couple world wars, and especially the health crisis over 100 years ago.

"And when you put that much political spin on it, you're going to have difficulty with folks like Fauci, where they now all of a sudden have to hedge their bets by saying the exact opposite of what they were before. And I think a lot of this information is housed within our own government. Will Biden be forthright? Will he declassify it? Hopefully, it's not going to take a piece of legislation to do it."

Braun was asked whether Congress would have to rely on China to get the information. "Hopefully, there's going to be enough in our own classified information to get us really hot on the trail," he said. "Sadly, we're dealing with a regime — our biggest geopolitical foe down the road — that believes in hardly anything we do when it comes to transparency, and so forth. So I think they will fight it tooth and nail.

"But WHO, I think, is finally — WHO's seemingly been an apologist for China, ones not wanting to poke that bear — I think, now that they're talking about it, that just tells me there's a change in the dynamic, the paradigm, and I think this needs to have every door opened, and looked into. And hopefully, we're getting there."

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