GOP Rep. Waltz censored over NBC Ad: “When you see made in China, put it down”, “defund dictatorships”

Rep. Waltz

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) comments on NBC refusal to air his commercial exposing the CCP’s sending of millions of Muslims in China to “concentration camps and… into slave labor”. The Congressman remarks that China “is the greatest adversary that we’ve ever faced”, even over the Soviet Union, Germany, or Al-Qaeda, “because we didnt have these economic entangled”. Saying that the purpose of the commercial was to “highlight U.S. companies that preach social justice”, like Coco-Cola, Visa, Intel, “but completely turn a blind eye, hypocritically, to what is going on over in China and are propping up these Olympic Games that are a propaganda platform for the Chinese dictatorship”. The Congressman went on to say that NBC’s rejection, “put a massive spotlight” on the issue. The theme of the commercial was ‘when you see made in China, put it down’, Waltz comments, “let’s defund dictatorships that mean America harm”, “the American people need to start voting with their wallets”.

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