Ohio moms run for school board, lead nationwide opposition to CRT, government ‘bureacrats’ dictating what’s best for kids

Anti-CRT protests in Loudoun County, Va., June 2021

Lysa Kosins, Heather Schultz, and Dawn McGuire are three moms and candidates running for their local School Board in Centerville, Ohio running to give the people of their district a voice in the upcoming election on November 2nd. Kosins, Schultz, and McGuire are campaigning on the platform of Parents’ Voices Matter and Citizens’ Voices Matter, an example of a recent nationwide movement of parents running for local school boards and governmental seats in opposition to Critical Race Theory and government dictating what is best for their children. The candidates are running for complete transparency, accountability, open communication and dialogue with parents.


To learn more about each of the candidates go to: www.kosinsschultzmcguire.com/

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