Parents running for local school boards are ‘not going to stop’, ‘new base of the Republican party’, says Tea Party icon

Rally against "critical race theory" (CRT).

Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, talks about the Virginia Governor’s race coming to a close today and how this election is ‘a battle between the far left’ and ‘their extreme ideas’ versus people who are voting for ‘individual liberty and individual freedom’. Martin comments on how for the ‘first time in a decade Virginia is competitive for the Republicans’, she says that this is an good indication that ‘people are very tired’ of the far left.

And Dr. Rick Scarborough, head of ‘Recover America’, a Christian Non-Profit, joins the show to discuss local school board elections in Texas, stating that he is hoping to win ‘3 out of the 5 seats’ and ‘rock the educational establishment’. Scarborough comments on how the exposing of Critical Race Theory in Loudoun County, Virginia prompted ‘the birth of a new movement’, which he equates to being ‘much like the Tea Party in 2008’.


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