Lummis describes DeSantis as "leader" of GOP ahead of Trump 2024 announcement

The former president is expected to announce his 2024 presidential bid on Tuesday evening.

Published: November 15, 2022 3:42pm

Updated: November 15, 2022 4:09pm

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is finding allies in the party's upper circles amid what looks to be a growing tension with former President Donald Trump, the latter of who is expected to announce another presidential run on Tuesday.

Wyoming Republican Sen. Cynthia Lummis on Monday dodged a question about endorsing Trump in his likely 2024 bid, instead saying: "I think the question is who is the current leader of the Republican Party."

"Oh, I know who it is: Ron DeSantis," Lummis said, according to the Epoch Times. "[C]urrently, Ron DeSantis is the leader of the Republican Party, whether he wants to be or not," she added.

The Florida governor this week casually brushed off criticism from Trump, who has called DeSantis an "average" governor in what commentators view as a prelude to the 2024 primaries.

"At the end of the day, I think people respond to the leadership, they respond to the results," DeSantis said at a press conference on Tuesday. "What matters to people is: are you standing up for them, are you leading, and are you getting things done? And we are."

After edging out Democrat Andrew Gillum in 2018, DeSantis this year cruised to reelection over Democratic challenger Charlie Crist—himself a former Florida Republican governor—winning by nearly 20 points last week.

Recent polling has revealed a surge in support for a DeSantis presidential run following less-than-expected performance by the GOP and Trump-backed candidates nationwide in the November midterms. Multiple surveys showing the Florida governor gaining ground against Trump in a potential primary contest.

The former president is expected to announce his 2024 presidential bid on Tuesday evening. DeSantis has not yet indicated his intent regarding 2024.

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