Older or Unhealthy: The first 48 U.S. coronavirus deaths in detail

Early American fatalities of the coronavirus are mostly elderly or suffering from health issues.

Published: March 14, 2020 8:19am

Updated: June 26, 2020 12:12pm

As Americans spend their first full day under a presidentially declared national state of emergency, many are wondering about the profile of those who have succumbed to the coronavirus so far.

The number of U.S. deaths has been growing since the first one reported in Washington state on Feb. 29. The victim’s name was not released, nor were details of his circumstances. But officials said he lived in King County, was in his 50s, and had “underlying health conditions.”

As of Friday, the total number of U.S. deaths attributed to coronavirus stood at 48. All but 11 of the deaths were in Washington state.

Of the total deaths reported through March 13, more than half (25) were from the Life Care Center nursing facility in Kirkland, Wash., where a serious outbreak occurred.

U.S. health officials said the early pattern of deaths suggests those most at risk are the elderly and those with more serious health issues like diabetes, lung disease or coronary ailments.

“If you are an elderly person with an underlying condition, if you get infected, the risk of getting into trouble is considerable. So it's our responsibility to protect the vulnerable,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, America's top infectious disease expert, declared recently.

For the latest government information, visit CDC.gov. In the meantime, here are more details on the first 48 U.S. coronavirus deaths. 

Thirty-seven deaths (77% of total) are in Washington state.

Newly reported on March 13, 2020

  • Two women in their 90s at Life Care Center died on March 6.
  • A woman in her 80s at Life Care Center died on March 6.
  • A man in his 70s at Overlake Medical Center died on March 4.
  • A man in his 80s at Swedish Issaquah hospital, died on March 9.
  • Woman in her 70s with underlying health conditions died on March 11.

Four Washington state deaths are from Snohomish County

  • A woman in her 70s with underlying health conditions died March 11.
  • Woman in her 80s with underlying health conditions died March 10.
  • Man in his 80s with underlying health conditions, died March 9 at the Josephine Caring Community 
  • A man in his 40s with underlying health conditions died but the date has not been specified.

One Washington State death is from Grant County, a patient in his or her 80s.

Four deaths are in California:

  • A woman, 90s, in assisted living.
  • A woman, 60s, hospitalized in Santa Clara.
  • An elderly man in assisted living.
  • A man, 71, with underlying health conditions who had been on a Grand Princess cruise ship.

Two deaths are in Florida:

  • A man and woman, both in their 70s, died after returning from foreign travel.

One death is in New Jersey:

  • A man, 69, who is diabetic and suffered two cardiac arrests, has died.

One death is in South Dakota:

  • A man in his 60s with underlying medical conditions has died.

One death is in Georgia:

  • A man, 67, with underlying medical conditions has died.

One death is in Kansas:

  • A man in his 70s with underlying health conditions died at the Life Care Center in Kansas City.

One death in is Colorado:

  • A woman in her 80s with underlying health conditions has died.

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